Field Support

Supported Field Operations

Adding, editing, renaming, and deleting fields are supported.

Some field edits will reset the field's value, such as changing static/const keywords or changing the field's type. Other field changes, including renaming, will preserve the field's value.

Unity Inspector Integration

Hot Reloaded fields integrate with the Unity Inspector:

  • New Fields: Public fields or fields with the [SerializeField] attribute become visible in the Unity Inspector with their corresponding values.
  • Editing in Inspector: Hot reloaded fields can be edited via the Inspector in Play Mode.

Field Initializers Behavior

Most values/expressions are valid in field initializers. Editing a non-static field initializer does not affect field values in existing instances of a class.


  • Hot reloaded fields require full Unity recompilation to be edited via the Inspector in Edit Mode.
  • Modifying multiple fields simultaneously will reset their values, even if changes would preserve a field's value when edited individually.
  • Editing field initializers in generic classes is not supported.
  • Patched field initializers are deferred until the field is accessed for the first time.
  • Fields with a custom Serializable type will not be displayed in the Inspector.
  • Editing values of non-trivial types (e.g., UnityEvent) in the Inspector is supported but generates this warning (opens in a new tab).
  • If Odin Inspector (opens in a new tab) was imported into a project with Hot Reload, after removing Odin, its custom Scripting Define Symbols (opens in a new tab) must be removed manually.

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